Monday, February 9, 2015

The Proposal Under The Snow Part 04

The Proposal Under The Snow (4/6)

Back to Yukari, Fuuka, and Junpei. “Ah, we can’t follow them this time. The tickets already sold out.”said Fuuka  sighed.

“But, I’m feeling bad for them, tailing them like this. And I think all the seats is full by lovely couples.”said Yukari.

“Man, what do you think? What will Akihiko-senpai do in teather?”said Junpei in dirty thought.

“Absolutely not like your imagination,  STUPEI!!”said Yukari risen her voice and emphazie that Stupei’s word.

“Auw! You hurt my heart, Yuka-tan.”said Junpei.

When they came out, the sky already changed their colours, the time showed 7 o’clock. In front of theater, they met Shinjiro.

“Oh, hi, Shinjiro-senpai!”greeted Minako shaked her hands. Akihiko shaked his hand to Shinjiro too. They moved to Shinjiro closely.

“This was my first time seeing you two went out together in xmas eve in Port Island. Don’t ya too busy to went to Port Island just for met her in xmas eve?”said Shinjiro coldly.

Akihiko keep silent for a while. “There’s something I must to do.”he answered in short, without gave a clear answer.

“Ah. Do you have any work in here, Aki?”asked Minako with hesitant and worried. Akihiko startled when he looked Minako’s expression.

Akihiko smiled. “No, Minako. There’s no work I must to do right now. Don’t worry, Minako.”said Akihiko and patted Minako’s head softly. Shinjiro looked jealous saw their did lovey dovey.

“I don’t know what do you want, Aki. But, I hope you don’t play a mess with her or else, I will take her away from you.”said Shinjiro very cold. Minako shocked when she heared Shinjiro’s word, she held Akihiko’s hand tightly.

“Never, Shinji. I won’t make her hurt and I won’t let you take her away from me.”said Akihiko with a serious expression, he tighten his hand.

“Tch. Whatever.”said Shinjiro coldly and leave them alone. Akihiko and Minako keep silent, watched over Shinjiro walked until he gone.

“Are you really free this day, Aki?”asked Minako worried.

Akihiko nodded his head. “Yeah, today is a special day. I took three days off for this special day.”said Akihiko.

“Eh? Re..really? I don’t want make a burden for you..”said Minako looked down.

“Get over it, Minako. Don’t worry. I know what I am doing.”said Akihiko. Minako still looked worried. “Ah, yeah, there’s one place I want to go.”said Akihiko. Minako looked Akihiko with confused.

Yukari, Fuuka, and Junpei still tailed them. “Ah.. Shirakawa Boulevard! I bet!”said Junpei with his dirty thought.

“I don’t think so. Akihiko-senpai isn’t type like that..”said Fuuka sweatdrop when she heared Junpei.

“Yeah. I think so. Not like someone who together with us right now, Fuuka.”said Yukari sighed.

 “What? What do you mean?!”protest Junpei.

“Shh.. We might get busted. Come on, we must follow them quietly.”said Yukari signed one finger on her mouth.

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