Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Proposal Under The Snow Part 01

The Proposal Under The Snow (1/6)

That day, The Fifth Xmas Eve since they went out. In the first year they went out, the first xmas eve, Minako got a Music Box from Akihiko. In the second year, Akihiko gave a heart pendant necklace for xmas eve. In third year, a couple of earring was a xmas eve’s gift to Minako from Akihiko. In fourth year, a small gold bracelet was the fourth gift for xmas eve’s Minako. And now, 24 December, in the morning, Minako waited for Akihiko in Paulownia Mall. Whatever Akihiko’s purpose, this year, he asked Minako to waited him in Paulownia Mall at 10 AM o’clock. It wasn’t like ordinary day, usually, Minako is the one who went to the city where Akihiko lived because Akihiko too busy with his college and work. Yukari, Junpei, and Fuuka who anxious with them, tailed Minako silently.

The clock showed 9.45 AM, Akihiko hasn’t show himself. She sat quietly and waited for her lover. Five minutes later, Akihiko come in a hurry, wore a red hand-knit scarf from Minako, a scarf that he always wore since Minako gave it for him in their first xmas eve and his white suit of coat.

“Ah, sorry, Minako. There’s something I must did before I go. Did I make you wait too long?”said Akihiko when he met his beloved girlfriend.

Minako smiled, and said. “There’s still ten minutes before our date time. I am the one who came too early.”said that brunette girl. “Come on, Aki, sit down.”she added.

Akihiko sat beside Minako, his breath heared panting, he definitely ran to their date spot. Minako looked worried. “Are you okay, Aki? Run around in this cold weather like this?”asked Minako.

“Ah, of course. I won’t get cold easily because of this.”said Akihiko grinned. Minako replied with a sweet smile.
In a hidden place, Yukari, Junpei, and Fuuka watched thorough them. “Mm, what’s going on earth? It’s too sudden that Akihiko-senpai try his best to go to Port Island just for this xmas eve ini, not like another year.”said Yukari.

“There’s will be something big! I bet!”said Junpei with enthusiasm.

“I think so. Maybe..”Fuuka thinked.

After a while, Akihiko stood up. “Ah. Come on, we gotta go.”ucap Akihiko reached Minako hands and they held hand together.

“Then, what we will do now?”asked Minako when walked and held Akihiko’s hand.

“Game panic? Karaoke? It’s up to you.”said Akihiko smiled.

Minako looked at crane game where beside game panic. “Ah, I heard crane game has two dolls in one packet for special prize in this xmas eve.”said Minako.

“You want that?”asked Akihiko to Minako who looked anxious at the crane game’s special prize.

“Eh?, not really.. I..I already got many dolls from you...”said Minako hesitant.

“I’m really delighted to gave you many present, Minako.”ucap Akihiko patted Minako’s head. “Ok. Now, I will get that prize for you..”said Akihiko took Minako’s hand and walked to crane game.

Akihiko put the money into that crane game. He tried to get that special prize. Unfortunately, he didn’t success to get them. “Ah! Shit!”said Akihiko when he losed.

“If you can’t get that, don’t push yourself, Aki. I don’t want to trouble you.”said Minako. But, Akihiko didn’t hear Minako’s word. He looked like didn’t want to lose from that crane game’s machine. He put some money into that. But, he got nothing but air. The third time, he looked really serious. He paid attention at the tweezers. With caution, he directed the tweezers. After take some time, he did it!

to be continued...

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