Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Proposal Under The Snow Part 02

The Proposal Under The Snow (2/6)

“GOT YOU!!”said Akihiko just at the moment he successed got that prize and put that into the hole. A pocket that has two dolls came out. “Ok, this is for you, Minako.”said Akihiko gave that pocket to Minako.

“Thanks, Aki.”said Minako. “Ah! It is a really special prize.”said Minako when she opened that prize.

“What doll do you get?”asked Akihiko took a peek into that pocket.

“Guess what? Titania and Oberon!”said Minako blushed. Akihiko scratched his head and keep silent when he heard Minako’s word. “Aki, did you know that Oberon and Titania are the King and the Queen of fairy?”asked Minako.

“...”Akihiko still in silent. “Eng.. Well yeah, I knew it too.”said Akihiko hesitant.

“You’re really not good in lying, Aki.”said Minako. Akihiko’s face looked a little blush. “Mm... This is for you, Aki. It really look just like you, isn’t it?”said Minako with red face, gave Oberon’s doll to Akihiko.

“Heh? What? Isn’t it too cute for me?”said Akihiko giggled and looked at Oberon’s doll. “A King and a queen, huh?”said Akihiko and looked at Minako’s face.

“Aki? What’s wrong?”asked Minako confused.

“So, I’m the King Oberon and you’re my Queen Titania.”said Akihiko smiled. Minako’s face turned really red.

“Eng.. That’s..”Minako looked really nervous. Akihiko caressed Minako’s head and kiss her hair.

Akihiko smiled. “Ok, I will cherish this doll.”said Akihiko. Minako smiled with her red face.

Meanwhile, Fuuka, Junpei, and Yukari. “Au! That couple!! I’m so jealous!!”said Junpei who remembered his relationship with Chidori.

“Shh!!! Shut up, Stupei!!!”said Yukari in harsh.

Then, two of them karaoke in Mandragora and played game in Game Panic for three hours. After that, they went to Chagall Cafe.  Akihiko ordered coffee and Minako ordered hot cocoa. “Ah, it was a long time to spent three hours to played and karaoke like this.”said Akihiko looked satisfied.

“You’re really busy, Aki. So, how’s your work and your college?”asked Minako and drinked her hot cocoa.

“It’s going smoothly. But, right now, I’m busy with thesis for my graduation.”said Akihiko sighed.

“Err.. Are you alright? You came to Port Island when you must did your thesis?”asked Minako.

“Nah, I just want playing all day long in just one day from my busy activity, can I?”said Akihiko gigled. “And, how about you, Minako? Is there any boy try to hit on you?”asked Akihiko serious.

Minako giggles. “Yeah, there is. He is a second year college student. He asked me to go out with him a weeks ago.”said Minako.

“What?! Did he do something to you?”asked Akihiko looked angry. Minako giggled when she looked at Akihiko’s expression. “Hei, what you laugh at? I’m serious!”said Akihiko angry.

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